The Harrodsburg Architectural Preservation Commission is responsible for regulating exterior alterations that are proposed for landmarks and designated properties (properties within the district.) The South Mainstreet Historic District is the current Historic District Overlay and includes all properties fronting South Mainstreet, beginning at Lexington Street, proceeding south to the intersection of Mooreland Avenue and Beaumont Avenue, and specifically including the property known as the Opera House. This district was created officially on March 23, 2004.
The properties within this district must apply for a Certificate of Appropriateness for all alterations that produce changes in the exterior appearance. The review process must be completed before any exterior alteration work begins and that includes signage, demolition, and relocation.
HPAC is responsible for the approval of the exterior changes to the landmarks and properties in the South Mainstreet Historic District. The board developed and approved a list of projects for routine maintenance, administrative staff approvals and board review. Changes within the district are approved or denied by HAPC through the Certificate of Appropriateness Application and review process.
For more information please contact HAPC preservation coordinator Joni House at or at 859-319-6101.
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